About us – Key competencies
We advise in the seafood industry and the maritime field and create new market potentials and business development together with the customer. Our advice must create added value for the customer.
We prepare tailor-made market and competitor analyzes with a focus on price development and the market.
We do strategy development in close collaboration with the customer on the basis of analyzes and assessments. The starting point is a team with professional project management competencies and in-depth knowledge of the seafood industry and the maritime area.
Product development
We offer product development through well-planned development processes, coordination and implementation of pilot projects as well as innovation workshops and network building.
Through an extensive network, we find the right partners to provide the customer with optimal and targeted advice
Projects – What we do
Below are descriptions of some of the projects that we are and have been working with over the recent years. Most descriptions are in danish, but please get in contact with any of us from the GEMBA Seafood team to hear more about our activities.
Team – Who we are

Jens Henrik Møller
tlf: (+45) 40 79 10 11
Jens has worked for almost 30 years with the Danish seafood, fishing and food industry as well as the maritime area. The key areas Jens has worked with are globalization and development projects, as well as advices within the food area. The focus has been on sustainability, market analysis, trends, food safety and regulation in the food and seafood area.

Kasper Aalling Teilmann
tlf: (+45) 28 70 25 80
In his PhD dissertation, Kasper has worked with analyzes of economic and social growth potentials in Danish rural and fisheries areas. At GEMBA, Kasper works mainly with research and analysis tasks within maritime business development and market analysis.

Laura Westhoff
Laura har i sine studier blandt andet arbejdet med forskning og (data)analyse inden for bæredygtig adfærd, drivhusgasemissioner og EU miljøpolitik. Endvidere har hun beskæftiget sig med international handel, eksportrådgivning og internationale klimakonferencer. Udover dansk taler Laura engelsk, tysk og fransk.
Kontakt Os
GEMBA Seafood Consulting A/S
Venlighedsvej 6
DK 2970 Hørsholm
CVR Nr: 30 54 64 58
Venlighedsvej 6
DK 2970 Hørsholm
(+45) 40 79 10 11